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What President Trump Means for Australians and the E3 Visa
Don't be deterred by misinformation in the media. There have been NO changes to legal immigration to the USA. E3 visas are still being processed quickly for those who meet the requirements.

In 2017, we are being bombarded by more exaggeration, misinformation and lies than ever before in history - due to our world of internet/social medial that is increasing geometrically and hitting us at the speed of light. As an immigration lawyer who has been practicing law since 1992, I can promise you this: America loves legal immigrants. And, we need you! The birth rates of so called educated or so called moderate income people are falling fast. We need motivated, educated and hardworking immigrants who wish to share their god given talents in the USA. This includes all folks whether you are a PHD Engineer or a hard-working restaurant worker. There are many ways to come here.
- You can invest in a new company and start a business in the USA using the E-2 Visa
- You can transfer from a foreign company to a US office or new US office using the L-1 visa
- You can obtain an internship using the J1 visa
- If you are a lucky Australian with a college degree or significant work experience using the E-3 Visa. We love Aussies (even if your English is a little weird)... No worries mate!
- If you have super talent in any conceivable “profession” from art to business to science to athletics using the O-1 visa
- And many more
No need for doom and gloom. Remember President Trump’s wife is an immigrant and he has hired many many immigrants in all walks of life. Don’t let the wild rhetoric and social media/mass media coverage of the US presidential election bring you down. There have been NO changes to LEGAL immigration. In fact—things are expanding. For example, even under President Trump, the US immigration services are continuing to add more ways for people to be able to legally work in the USA, including those who may have faced difficulties such as spousal abuse. (i.e. The spouse of an H1b visa holder does not get automatic permission to work—but if he or she has been abused by their H1b spouse and needs to “move out”, they can obtain a special permission to work for any employer who wishes to higher them in any legal occupation.) In addition, it is anticipated that the US Immigration Services with the support of the US Congress—will add a new working visa category for foreign entrepreneurs—young start-ups-who obtain US funding to initiate their plan). All previous visa categories have required that funding for startups must be traceable to the foreign national’s home country only such as the E-2 visas.
So, if you are not from the USA—please—don’t give up your dreams/plans to live and work in the USA! Take a look at our blog on How to Get and E3 Visa here.
Come on over! American loves foreign visitors and foreign workers.